Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What i wanna be

When I graduate from high school I am going to go to college. After college I am going to be a auto mechanic.
The reason I want to be a auto mechanic is because I love working on cars. I have worked on cars my entire life ever since I can remember. And also I want be like my brother because that is what he is…..


  1. Do what you love to do and get where you want to go. The world really does need great auto mechanics. So good luck! Enjoy what you do and do it well. ;)
    Remember that when you have a word that starts with a vowel the word "an" comes before it instead of "a". Such as "a auto" should be "an auto". The writing could flow a little better if you change just a couple of things that would help lead into the next thought, but for the most part it was written well. Good job!

  2. Hey this sounds pretty good. You could maybe go into a little more detail about everything, but keep up the good work and good luck!
